Cheshire Wedding Photography in Wilmslow
Cheshire Wedding Photography …
The day was everything a Cheshire wedding photographer could hope for. Leigh and Suzanne were a great couple to photograph, as both were big personalities. This allowed me to capture some stunning wedding photography. Wilmslow in Cheshire was the start and end point for the day. Photographing Suzanne getting ready at home, produced some great images everyone was excited, getting ready for the wedding ceremony. I was able to capture some amazing wedding shots of the girls preparing for the wedding day and Suzanne wasn’t exactly camera shy which always helps the wedding photographer. It was then on to the Church to photograph Leigh, the bestman and ushers who were all waiting patiently for the bride to be to arrive.
Following a beautiful cheshire wedding ceremony which I managed to catch Leigh’s reaction to the arrival of Suzanne . I took some wonderful wedding shots of the couple outside the church. Always a good time to capture some natural and relaxed shots. The bride and groom are busy taking in all the congratulations from the wedding guests.
The Wedding Venue
It was then on to the Cheshire wedding venue the Deanwater Hotel just outside of Wilmslow and a the perfect setting for the wedding photographer. Set within lovely woodlands, and landscaped gardens, its unique location enabled me to get some wonderful wedding photography . Spending a short time with the bride and groom was all I needed as the most part of my photography is a reportage style which i find most couples prefer. Leaves you to get on with enjoying your day.
A great couple and wedding to photograph made complete by great weather, gorgeous grounds and a fabulous wedding party – who left me to get on with capturing the mood of the day without getting in the way…
That’s me, not them!
For more on my wedding photography visit the gallery